The little trees are starting to perk up now. It’s been hard work - but persistence has kept them going. It seems that the misting and keeping them in sealed environments to reduce transpiration has helped.
I really didn't think this little two leafed plant would make it - but the crown is growing quite strongly now.

The larger of the maples is also growing quite strongly now - and there is plenty of summer left to fatten him up for the winter.
This capture is also valuable to me in that i have been wanting a few Field Maples for my collection.
It has also been very valuable practise for going plundering hedges for specimens. I will need to have the perfect soil ready in the shed for when the bigger trees are captured - i have a great solution for this which i will write about in the next few days. I will also look into having some sort of a bubble for the bigger ones to keep them humid while they get over the shock of being transplanted.
I have stopped misting the maples and taken them out from under the bubbles and they don't seem to be suffering for lack of moisture so i assume that they have grown enough of a root system to support them.
I still need to learn a lot about this species.
I'm guessing from the the brutal
hacking they
receive in hedges that they can be pruned back very hard. I also suspect that they can be defoliated in
June like Japanese Maples.
The other valuable piece of information is the timeline. I now know that it has taken the trees about 8 weeks to begin growing again after they were captured.